Did You Know There Are Special Rules For Disability Over 50?

Many people are unaware that there are special rules for Social Security Disability programs for people over the age of 50. Once you reach this age, the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers you of advanced age. Therefore, it gets easier for you to qualify for social security benefits. The special rules are called the “grid rules.”

Social Security Disability Grid Rules

The grid rules help the SSA evaluate how disabled an individual is, regardless of medical condition and diagnosis. They analyze four significant factors:

  • Residual Functional Capacity (RFC). This will determine how much strength-related work you can do.
  • Education. The level of education you’ve completed factors into your eligibility.
  • Prior Work Experience. The SSA will factor in how you performed in previous jobs you’ve held. The less skilled you are, the greater your chances are of receiving higher benefits pursuant to the grid rules..
  • Transferability of Skills. Can you transfer skills from your last job to a new and similar position?

Age Matters

Age is one of the primary factors in receiving benefits. Depending on the facts of your case, once you reach age 50 it may become easier to obtain benefits. The rules also increase your chance of success when you become 55 and 60. For more detailed information on filing Social Security Disability Benefits in Morris, IL, visit the section on our website dedicated to this special set of rules. We go over all of the factors and how realistic it will be that the SSA will approve your claim.

How We Can Help

The law firm of Hanson & Fisher can help you through this process. If you’re over the age of 50 and struggling to find work or unable to work due to a disability, call us today at 815-942-6700 for your free consultation. Expert help is only a call away.

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